Galaxy Coaster

Galaxy Coaster Ride Details
Category: Spectacular Ride
Height Requirement: 51 inches

Galaxy Coaster

Riders must be at least 51" to ride alone. Riders between 47" and 51" must ride with a supervising adult companion. Riders must sit upright while holding a lap bar. Riders must step up into the ride car. Riders must ascend/descend two or more steps at the entrance and exit. As you slowly climb your way to the top of the steep hill, you look to your side and see the ground below you inching away as you make your way towards the skies. At the top, thoughts in your head are jumbled; fear, excitement, nervousness... your heart is in your throat. A sudden silence hangs above the train as the riders prepare for the stomach-turning descent. The speed increases by the second, the wind blowing through your hair as you climb up the bumps and feel the shakes as the coaster twists and turns, and falls down to earth. The excitement rushes through you like the water in a river. Before you know it, the adventure is over, leaving your head spinning. You climb out of your seat with shaky legs and laugh in your mind; the mysteriously frightening Galaxy Coaster leaves you wanting more.

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